Taking delivery of Drynwideon
…A proud father speaks…
A quick Drynwideon update. On Tuesday this week, I got a call from the printers to say that the first batch of my new book, ‘Drynwideon, The Sword of Destiny – Yeah, Right’ was ready for collection. It was the news I had been waiting almost three weeks for and with all the excitement of an expectant father, I grabbed my literary agent, Brian, leapt ‘Batman-style’ into the truck and made my way to the print shop as quickly as I could, complete with screeching tyres, which Brian will back me up on.
Having arrived at the printers in record-breaking time, we ran into the ‘delivery room’, well the main office really and there it was, lying on the table, a virgin copy of Drynwideon, all shiny and new, with several of its brothers and sisters swaddled snugly inside some cellophane wrapping to protect them from the chill of the balmy Asian afternoon.
After a little small talk, it suddenly dawned on me that I should capture the moment, so courtesy of Brian and my smartphone, we talked the head printer and some of the lads down on the shop floor into posing for a couple of snapshots.
So, there you have it. Drynwideon now lives and we have proof positive of its paperback status. So spread the word, start saving up those nickels and dimes, schekels or pennies and be one of the first to get your hands on a physical copy of the book, which looks fantastic in the flesh and reads even better! And in the meantime, why not read the sample chapters here for free?